Saturday, September 12, 2015


Aluminum was bouncing. He liked bouncing - all his relatives did, as far as he knew, and he did too. Some people, he knew, danced - he had watched them dance, and it looked rather tiring. But Aluminum bounced, happily.

And yet there was something missing - or, more accurately, he had something too much. Three things, in fact. The three extra electrons in his outer shell were constantly on his mind, though he wouldn't do anything violent to get rid of them, not like Sodium. He wasn't that kind of atom.

"How's it going?" asked a neighbor, momentarily taking his mind off his electrons.

"Pretty good," he said, bouncing in place. "Meet anyone interesting today?"

"Saw some pretty big molecules," said the friend. "Bunch of chains, didn't stop to talk."

Aluminum nodded, but suddenly his attention was taken away.

It was two atoms, together about as big as him, clinging together as they zoomed by. Time seemed to slow as he gazed at the three lovely holes in each one, and he felt his electrons give a twinge. Oh, how much he would like to put them into her holes.


He had to act quickly; the atoms were moving towards him with alarming speed. "What sweet holes you have," he said, his electrons twitching. But they were still too far away, and his electrons could not reach her. "Won't you let me fill them for you?"

The two Nitrogens looked over at him. They looked at each other and giggled, and then - oh, joy! - they were flying at him; one at him, one at his neighbor. Aluminum blinked and then there was a crash and a flash of energy rushing over him, and the most wonderful feeling as he reached for her, and then, feeling her against him, stuck his electrons, almost involuntarily, into her three precious holes. Pleasure crashed over him in a wave; his electrons had fled.

When the heady rush and whirl of bliss faded, Aluminum found himself attached to Nitrogen. He smiled at her, letting his contentment swirl around him.

"You're so long," Nitrogen murmured at him.

"I'm the right length," Aluminum returned. He looked at the place where she had once had three holes; holes now filled by his electrons.

Her electrons.

"I feel so complete," Nitrogen marveled, his electrons filling her, charging her. She leaned against him happily and he leaned back against her.

"I never want to leave your side." Now that his electrons were gone, he felt an overwhelming attraction to her. They clung to each other, their electrons whizzing around.

And they never let go.

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